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Home»Cambodia sightseeing Tours»Koh Rong Things To Do Cambodia

Koh Rong Things To Do Cambodia

Koh Rong is an island which it’s locat­ed in Sihanoukville province of Cam­bo­dia, and it needs to trav­el by water­way to reach the island from Sihanoukville. If we are trav­el­ing from Phnom Penh then it needs to go to south­west, the cap­i­tal of Phnom Penh to the sea island is approx­i­mate­ly tak­en 4–5 to hours by pri­vate cars or pub­lic trans­porta­tions like bus­es, min bus­es after that you need to buy speedy boat or slow­ly boat to catch the island by water­way. Speedy boat maybe take 45 min­utes and slow­ly boat take 2h0urs+ 

In the case Cam­bo­di­an Dri­ver­s’s pri­vate taxi car and big bus is more than hap­py to take you from Phnom Penh to the main­land of Sihanoukville and also very plea­sured to get speedy boat booked for you. Please feel free let know

From Sihanoukville main­land to Koh Rong island, you can take one of the 5 mod­ern fer­ry com­pa­nies to Koh Rong – Speed Fer­ry Cam­bo­diaIsland Speed Boat Cam­bo­dia, Buva Sea, Angkor Speed Fer­ry, and GTVC

Actu­al­ly, com­ing to the Koh rong is about to go away from the mega sounds in cities and to enjoy with sound of natures to stay in green­ery views and lis­ten­ing to the sounds of sea waves, enjoy the white sands and rocky seas, last­ly drink­ing cold beers along the white beach sands. Google Quot­ed ” It’s known for its sandy coves and coral reefs, like those around Koh Rong Pier. Inland, the dense jun­gle ter­rain is dot­ted with coconut palms and water­falls. In the south are Jew­elorchids, a small zoo home to but­ter­flies, snakes, and birds, and live­ly Police Beach, a par­ty spot. High Point Rope Park has sus­pen­sion bridges, rope”

Koh Rong is one of the dis­tricts of Sihanoukville province which there are sev­er­al near­by island sur­round­ed by and from each island to oth­er island is to go through by taxi boats, then there are more taxi boat on the island, please try to con­tact to your guest­house own­ers if you would like to vis­it those near­by islands

  1. Spend­ing your evening time to relax on the sandy beaches

Actu­al­ly, spend­ing your evening time to sit on along the white beach after you reached the island for hours or returned from any trekking tours, every hotels and resorts along the seashore is nor­mal­ly pro­vid­ed sun­bathing chair with­in umbrel­las to their valu­able cus­tomers to relax after tour­ing or arriv­ing the island. 

There are no few­er than 23 beach­es on the main island alone, with sev­er­al more on Koh Rong San­loem and the oth­er near­by islands. The fact that the islands are all large­ly unde­vel­oped means that the beach­es are most­ly unspoilt, with soft white sand, clear blue seas and shade pro­vid­ed by near­by trees.

The more pop­u­lar ones, like Koh Tui Beach, Long Beach and Sara­cen Bay, have just enough facil­i­ties to pro­vide drinks and food to improve your relax­ation with­out spoil­ing it by mak­ing it too noisy or busy.

2. Going for Snorkeling

It’s ded­i­cat­ed to those peo­ple who want to play under­wa­ter then snor­kel­ing is a good for your fin­gers to catch things in seabeds  and eyes con­tact to any­thing can be found in seawater

There are many beau­ti­ful snor­kel­ing points around Koh Rong and heaps of fish to dis­cov­er. Try your hand at spot­ting any of the sergeant fish, sea­hors­es, par­rot fish, dia­mond fish, jump­ing fish, squid, yel­low box­fish, dia­mond fish, needle­fish, blue-spot­ted rib­bon tail rays and goat­fish in the waters around the island.

The best sites are found at Lone­ly Beach on Koh Rong and Sun­set Beach on Koh Rong Sam­loem, though there are also great spots by Lazy Beach and near Dol­phin Resort on Sara­cen Bay. As with div­ing, you’ll be able to see some fan­tas­tic coral reefs and beau­ti­ful trop­i­cal fish.

3. Blob Jump Koh Rong

Try to jump from bot­tom to top and then top down to floor ? you are com­ing to the right place it’s locat­ed at the island of the Koh Rong of Sihanoukville of Cambodia.

The blob jump is a kind of enjoy­able game that it needs to have few or more friends to play with and it’s also an water activ­i­ty involv­ing a huge inflat­able. It’s locat­ed on the far north end of Sok San Beach, close and beside the wood­en pier. Big on fun, you can shoot up as high as 4 to 6 metres onto the giant cush­ion-type blob that floats on the water.

How to play with the blob jump­ing, It’s between you or your friends to take turns crawl­ing or walk­ing over to the end of the inflat­able bal­lon while one or more peo­ple will jump off a small frame onto the blob’s oth­er end. Be warned, if 2 peo­ple jump onto the inflat­able, the one per­son on the end will shoot very high into the air.

4. Div­ing into deeply water
Are you going deep­er and deep­er into the ocean around Koh Rong ? then try to put tube air on your back with­in long oxy­gen tubes then you can go to dive at wher­ev­er you wish to swim to.
Div­ing into seabed is one of the must things to do in Koh Rong and it’s get­ting pop­u­lar and if you are at the island then you should spend few hours to go to see lives in water of Koh rong,

Here are sev­er­al places for you to go around and make the div­ing around koh Rong Saloem with a num­ber of rep­utable dive shops avail­able on both islands.

With very clear and calm water, the con­di­tions are excel­lent for begin­ners and those tak­ing their first PADI train­ing cours­es. The more pop­u­lar Koh Rong dive sites fea­ture a wide array of colour­ful fish and corals, includ­ing sea tur­tles, stingrays, par­rot fish and nudibranchs.

5. Get pri­vate or shared fish­ing boat to the near­by islands

Catch­ing a pri­vate with your friends to go straight for swim­ming and also doing the snor­kel­ing but beside the both activ­i­ties you can also make fish­ing at the island that you are vis­it­ing. if you don’t want to have your clothes get wet and please don’t for­get to bring ice­box with­in cold beer along with.  You also can cook the fish­es if you caught them because every cook­ing stoves or grilled stoves.

Shared fish­ing boat is to go with a group dif­fer­ence peo­ple who came from dif­fer­ence place on the islands and then going at the same boat. Note, if you don’t want get wet by water then please get some cold beers along with because its going to be a whole trip.

6. bik­ing around the vil­lage on the island


Bik­ing on the island where you are at it’s a real tour to view the vil­lagers of what they are doing for dai­ly activ­i­ties some­time you can have a chance to have din­ner, lunch­es with them. the vil­lage is a big fish­ing vil­lage before over­sea tourists vis­it­ed and now it becom­ing the big tourist des­ti­na­tion for local and over­sea travelers

Cam­bo­di­an Dri­ver­s’s teams is than hap­py to escort you around the vil­lage and also around cambodia