
Cambodia Taxi Car Rental Siem Reap Taxi Phnom Penh Driver

Car Bus Rentals, Sightseeing Adventure Tour,

Cambodia Taxi Car Rental Siem Reap Taxi Phnom Penh Driver

Uncov­er The Mys­ter­ies of Cam­bo­dia with­in… Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental

Eng­lish Knowl­edge­able Guid­ed Tour/Taxi Drivers

This is the King­dom of Wonder…This is Cam­bo­di­a’s Angkor Wat tem­ples and oth­er nat­ur­al beau­ty are the coun­try won­der things

Come with the Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental local guid­ed tour and dri­ver to see what we are men­tioned above

My name is Hout, the best local explor­er guid­ed tour and also your Cam­bo­dia world­wide dri­ver, expe­ri­enced more than 10 YEARS in the TOURISM GAMES

Wel­come to our Cam­bo­dia King­dom in the South East Asia region, the for­mer Khmer empire king­dom from the 12th cen­tu­ry!… See­ing as you are here…You must be on your way to Cambodia!

  The BIGGEST, STRONGEST, BRIGHTEST and most RICH cul­ture coun­try around South East Asia Regions !!

Let come with us to see what we have proof, was true or not… Promis­ing NOBODY knows that bet­ter than Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental Team.

Do you vis­it Cam­bo­dia for a nor­mal hol­i­day? … Or … Do you want this to be “Just anoth­er relax­ing week away” ?

Or the best, most cul­ture-filled trip you’ve ever been on?

You’re vis­it­ing Cam­bo­dia because it’s the wild heart of south­east Asia,


We spe­cial­ize in show­ing you the best side of Cam­bo­dia From ancient Hin­du cities To Shoot­ing ranges, And best of all… We may even intro­duce you to some native Cam­bo­di­ans!.…   Have a look down below to see what adven­tures I can take you on!

First­ly, Please check Siem Reap Tours, to see best of Cam­bo­dia can offer your great relax­ation Click the link

Have you looked into vis­it­ing Siem Reap?
It’s the gate­way to Angkor Wat, the wold biggest Hin­du tem­ple, built in 12th century 

Cur­rent­ly, Siem Reap is the num­ber #1 tourist attrac­tion, while Phnom Penh is the cap­i­tal, com­mer­cial, polit­i­cal city of Cam­bo­dia! ever… Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental guide is able to bring you through in the cultures

this is Angkor Wat Tem­ple in Siem Reap, Cam­bo­dia A must thing to see

The big tem­ple that we can see on Cam­bo­dia flag from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion since the coun­try got ful­ly inde­pen­dent from the France!

Of course you know it .….. But maybe you don’t know about…

Angkor Wat Tem­ple in Siem Reap of Cambodia

Phnom Penh Tours

If you’re com­ing to Cam­bo­dia….  You’re going to Phnom Penh, the biggest and also cap­i­tal of Cambodia

Let me and CambodiaDriverTaxi.Com Car Rental team tell you some of it, If you would like to have guid­ed and His­tor­i­cal tour to escort then feel free to con­tact Cam­bo­dia Tour Guide CambodiaTG.Com

Just come here with us! let us show you around of lit­tle king­dom Cambodia

I’ll tell you all you need to know about the pearl of Asia
AND of course the best loca­tions to visit!

           Cus­tom-Tai­lored Tours

Maybe you have your own idea.
Maybe you want to do some­thing different.
Some­thing out of the ordinary.

In this case I’d LOVE to hear your plan.

I love meet­ing to cre­ative peo­ple and brain­storm­ing about dif­fer­ent ways of hav­ing fun in Cambodia!

Click here and send me your inquiry.

That way we can get straight to build­ing you the wildest, most obscure tour

you can dream of!

                YOU….Take The Wheel

So you’re one of those huh…..
A “free-spir­it”…

You want to take the wheel yourself…
And put our dri­vers out of work?

Def­i­nite­ly, you can eas­i­ly do the self dri­ving,  we’ve got a wide range of bus­es and cars avail­able for rent .…Have a quick look at our full list by 

Def­i­nite­ly, we’ve got a wide range of bus­es and cars avail­able for rent .…Have a quick look at our full list by click­ing here.


Or We can dri­ve for you, you just set­ting and relax in the car enjoy the ride with CAMBODIA TAXI SERVICE!

We can accom­mo­date for that too!

(P.S. – I’ll break it gen­tly to the dri­vers that you don’t want them)

                  Need Guid­ed Tour ? CAMBODIA LOCAL GUIDE INSIDER, Hout!

Our Local Spe­cial­ist in Cambodia…

My name is Hout.

For over 10 years Hout’ve been in this Cam­bo­dia Tourist indus­tri­al….. def­i­nite­ly going to be longer and longer.….
Turn­ing tourists hol­i­days into the best times of their lives!

“Of Course! I Shar­ing expe­ri­ence between local knowl­edge to inter­na­tion­al trav­el­ers, and the world wide trav­el­ers is also able to give local ses­sions of what they have been past to local guide it’s very nice for the local and over­sea tourists

Most­ly, over­sea trav­el­ers would like to get to know of local cul­ture, then I’ll also very hap­py give you a free les­son with my expert local knowl­edge on the bloody”

And I like to think that by now,
I’m pret­ty good at it.

If you’d like to learn more about Cam­bo­dia before your arrival to Cam­bo­dia, then no hes­i­tate to con­tact us @ email here!

Vehi­cle Mod­el ser­vic­ing cus­tomers;

For SUV and it’s 4 seater cars, we are being used Toy­ota High­lander, Lexus RX 300, 330, 350, 400,

six seater vans like Toy­ota Alphard for all years of pro­duc­tions, the Toy­ota Alphard van is and out­stand­ing com­fort any­where you go with a qui­et, impres­sive­ly effi­cient per­for­mance and com­pre­hen­sive safety—a tru­ly pres­ti­gious ride that ele­vates every jour­ney. the price of van is depend­ed on it’s year of pro­duc­tions too.

12 and 15 seater vans, there are plen­ty of the vans for your days to go to around Cam­bo­dia, the most pop­u­lar­i­ty for the VAN are Toy­ota Hiace and Hyundai Starex

35 and 45 seater bus­es , we have vari­ety mod­el to escort you wher­ev­er you would like

Pri­vate Taxi Ride Ser­vices, or maybe shared taxi Ser­vices, if we had peo­ples to share at same day and also same destinations!

  1. One Way drop or short ride in Cambodia’s main cities like, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and other differences cities
  2. One Way drop or ride to a cross Cambodia’s intercrossing towns, throughout Cambodia
  3. Daily Taxi Service
  4. Weekly Taxi Service
  5. Monthly Cars, Vans, Buses Rental
Thinking of going around Cambodia and also trying to look for professional local taxi driver and guide to explore the country’s unseen things then we are the best to types of your needs

Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental see you, have some talks!

More VIdeos /Photos

Why Choose Cambodia Taxi Car Rental

Why Choose Us “Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental” We are a group of long and very expe­ri­ence in trans­port­ing peo­ple from place to place across the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia. And more­over, all the cars that we are using are new and insurance

Cambodia Taxi Car Rental


Phnom Penh Tour

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Seim Reap tours

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Cambodia Tours

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