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Translation NAT Geo Freelancer Photographer Cambodia

Trans­la­tion NAT Geo Free­lancer Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Cam­bo­dia The work as a free­lancer trans­la­tor for the Nation­al Geo­graph­ic was also a dif­fer­ence per­spec­tive as he was inter­est­ed in shoot­ing pho­to in slum earas in Phnom Penh. Actu­al­ly, at the begin­ning i haven’t  known that he was a NAT Geo pho­tog­ra­ph­er. dur­ing of he was hav­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion with a Malaysian Mus­lim guy at a Mus­lim slum com­mu­ni­ty area then I not­ed their con­ver­sa­tion, acci­den­tal­ly. then i ques­tioned him “are you work­ing for the NAT Geo as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er ?, he was remained qui­et­ly”. “ok let for­get it my ques­tion” i said. The job as Free­lancer Cam­bo­di­an Eng­lish trans­la­tion inter­pre­ta­tion was tak­en for 2 long and we trav­eled in and around Phnom Penh city to find slum areas for his photoing  Day one we went by a tuk tuk to go to Cham or well known as Mus­lim minor­i­ty that was locat­ed in front of the Roy­al palace of Phnom Penh and 4 face rivers. Dur­ing of shoot­ing pho­to i also was work­ing as the best role of oral inter­preter and i did inter­pret all of my cus­tomer ques­tion then trans­lat­ed to mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty after­ward he shot pho­tos where he would like to shoot out Then after the works com­plet­ed we decid­ed to return to street mar­kets around phnom penh city, there were in the mar­ket where every­one just go in then shop some fresh veg­eta­bles and raw beefs or porks. All the meats and veg­etable were hang­ing with hooks with big umbrel­las cov­ered from the light and lit­tle rain drops, at the street mar­kets i had­n’t speak­ing with those sell­ers in the mar­ket. While we are walk­ing in the mar­ket he was also shoot­ing the pho­to he wished to pho­to but some spots he asked me to have per­mis­sions for the pho­to­ing. Around 5 pm we went back for the hotel where i greeted. Day 2, we were going to have a sim­i­lar works but we trav­eled to a mar­ket and also slum area was near­by gar­ment fac­to­ries. And this works was lit­tle dif­fer­ence with­in a new place and peo­ple, there were a lot fac­to­ry work­ers were walk­ing by, bought and ate food at same site. Even­tu­al­ly, some of them would like to had pho­to tak­en and some weren’t allowed but i made a try to have them smiled to cam­era, finally.