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Shooting Range Phnom Penh

Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh

Lit­er­al­ly, Gun shoot­ing is still the best vis­it­ed tourist spot for nation­al and inter­na­tion­al travelers 

if you are already in Phnom Penh of Cam­bo­dia or being planned to vis­it Cam­bo­dia then Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental group is ready to dri­ve every­one of you to shoot every old and new guns you would to shoot out from it’s canons 

Con­tact Us ahead of day then we are hap­py to plan your trips, through

Call+WhatsApp+Telegram @ +85581–288-999

Email: CambodiaTaxiCarRental@Gmail.Com

the best Shoot­ing small weapons ranged from firearms like AK47 M16 you can do it at the indoor   then let go to the big cal­iber like 50 cal­iber and Rock­et Launch­ers, Bazooka, RPG is @ Phnom Penh Shoot­ing Out­door. This activ­i­ty is very need­ed your local guid­ed tour is to escort you to go through, YES your  local inside is the Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental company

the Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental is the best Eng­lish local guide/taxi dri­ver for your vaca­tion across Cam­bo­dia, we have long and enough expe­ri­ences to bring/guide you to explore every­where across Cam­bo­dia, that is includ­ed mini city to big cap­i­tal, then reach­ing to coun­try­side after trav­el back to Phnom Penh city for your next des­ti­na­tions of your trav­el­ing foots 

Shoot­ing Range in/out Phnom Penh city is one of the tourist stop activ­i­ties, it’s the authen­tic expe­ri­ence of Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing  Range Mil­i­tary base, you can not find any­where else in South east Asia regions or on our planet 🌏

here is the best chance to blow those of guns you nev­er expe­ri­enced of your life time like

RPG (Rocket Launcher, RPG2, Bazooka B40,) RPG7, 50 caliber, Grenade Launchers and more.……

Def­i­nite­ly,  Our cam­eras like, Gopro Max, Gopro 10, Sony and Canon is ready to catch your shoot­ing activ­i­ties from every angle and   then send you back at same or dif­fer­ence day

Shooting Range Phnom Penh Indoor-Outside

There are loca­tion of the Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh are BELOW, then you can tell me

The near­est loca­tion of the fir­ing range is with­in a 45 to 60 min­utes dri­ve by cars, and its also one dri­ve from Phnom Penh city cen­ter, at the indoor Shoot­ing Range is a good chance for dress as Ram­bo and hold­ing machine gun (its the biggest cal­iber) to shoot.

To step fur­ther then the indoor shoot­ing range then  you can also have a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to blow big­ger rifle machine like Grenade Launch­er 44 mm, 50 cal­iber and the RPG, but it need you spend your whole day trip to trav­el to north of Phnom Penh, it’s called Out­door and Moun­tain­ous Gun Range

Beside the shooting activities we are able to escort you around Cambodia

then let go with the Cambodia Taxi Car Rental

we are more than pleasure and honor to service in our luxury vehicles

We can make a good package for you also

please share us your whole plan

Activ­i­ties of Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh Out­door and Indoor

Shooting Range Phnom Penh Indoor

Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh indoor is the best site to get authen­tic expe­ri­ence from the Cam­bo­dia Army Base and it’s the widest pop­u­lar gun range club that every­one are able to fire AK47, M16, PKM machine gun… and the Hand Grenade 

The range let you enjoy for a while you have a short time around Phnom Penh

the video bel­low is show­ing what kinds of weapons are avail­able to shoot at the indoor gun, it’s the same from what the Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental claimed above, also the video is show­ing of Cam­bo­dia amaz­ing things to do and things to see 


The best site to blow every weapons then let go Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh Out­door Activity,

it’s an out­door & moun­tain­ous gun range, it allow every­one to fire at out­side (not in room) 

Here is the price list of the Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental,

Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh Indoor and Outdoor

The Tar­gets of Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh Outdoor 

Shooting Range Phnom Penh Outdoor Mountainous

to go to Shoot­ing Range Phnom Penh out­door need get in pri­vate cars and shared car and approx­i­mate­ly dri­ve is 120 min­utes each way each, the range to get authen­tic nat­ur­al moun­tain­ous areas

The dri­ve need to go to road 4 or road num­ber  and then turn to road num­ber 41,

des­ti­na­tion of the guns shoot­ing range is Phnom Penh city to go up and down Kam­pot city and Kep, road 3

Des­ti­na­tion of the dri­ve is Phnom Penh city to go up and down Sihanoukville city and some of the pop­u­lar islands like Koh Rong island & Sam­loem island, road 4

when you are on the Cam­bo­dia Road Trip with Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental we can dri­ve from any­where across Cam­bo­dia to reach your shoot­ing des­ti­na­tion at one day, just give me your plans 


Dri­ving our Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental SUV car and let dri­ve for two hours, After a 2 hour dri­ve into the heart of the Cam­bo­di­an Jungle..

You step off the bus into a big and green envi­ron­men­tal field of the our out­door Shoot­ing Range,

Sur­round­ed by dense­ly cov­ered moun­tains, filled with the squawks of exot­ic birds and native macaque monkeys.

You work your way to the armory… best mem­o­ry ever,

We are film­ing you while you are tak­ing the shoot­ing ses­sion and send you back of your videos,

we made for you

A tru­ly fir­ing range extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ence are being begin and been wait­ing for every­one who want to get shoot­ing adren­a­line, our fir­ing range is com­bin­ing the nat­ur­al beau­ty of Cam­bo­dia coun­try­side and excit­ing of fir­ing out­door activities! 

Our gun range staffs is expert group with been trained from abroad and now becom­ing the world-class professionals.

We have a huge vari­ety of firearms that let you enjoy from morn­ing till sun­set disappeared.

Fea­tur­ing a vari­ety of pow­er­ful firearms, you can check the price list this is an envi­ron­ment where you can test your skills.

More­over, You are famil­iar with gun fir­ing range from the begin­ning or not, with­in our team, we are hap­py to add ini­tial safe train­ing course and guid­ance till you can man­age of your­self shoot­ing, thus of the begin­ners can par­tic­i­pate with confidence

What do you see and do while you are there?

Pris­tine m16’s, AK47’s, Grenades…

And the almighty RPG.

Pick­ing up the belt-fed PKM heavy machine gun you casu­al­ly strut over to the range, the high Cam­bo­di­an humid­i­ty mak­ing your biceps shine under the weight of the heavy machine gun…

Rem­i­nis­cent of Ram­bo himself.

What comes next is Hol­ly­wood gold.

You have one flexed arm con­trol­ling the wild jumps of the PKM as you feed in a 100 round belt of hot brass,

Drown­ing out all the sounds of the jun­gle as you send round after round downrange.

This could be you, take a look at a video bel­low, this shoot­ing expe­ri­ence is await­ing for you!