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Price List Outdoor Phnom Penh Shooting Range Cambodia

Free trans­porta­tion to up and down, cold beer, Video! the Shoot­ing Ranges Out­door Phnom Penh is not locat­ed at cap­i­tal city and its in a province “coun­try­side”, and it approx­i­mate­ly takes 90–120 mins, one way each by a car “Lexus, high­lander and mini bus”. The bud­get and also the pri­vate shoot­ing bud­gets (for you/your group) is 499USD with­in the bud­get you are able to select vari­ety of weapon to fire if you have shot more than the “500 usd” bud­get, then please make a new extra pay­ment. And with­in the bud­get then you are able to get video cus­tom ser­vice which it’s tak­ing all your shoot­ing activ­i­ties and we are send­ing you the video at the same day or lat­ter days. cam­eras we use to catch your great gun shoot­ing activ­i­ties are Canon, 2 GoPros, Sony, Smart phone and Drone. Edit­ed video and trans­port to up and down ser­vice is includ­ed the shoot­ing range bud­gets, the drop­ping is at your desir­able and its in the city. Please be not­ed, the com­pli­men­ta­ry can be giv­en to you only if you are booked the shoot­ing expe­ri­ence direct­ly with us 

“Tick it off your bucket list Cambodia shooting ranges Phnom Penh Outdoor

I would total­ly rec­om­mend this Cam­bo­dia shoot­ing ranges Phnom Penh out­door to any adven­tur­ous trav­eller. I found out about this one or two days before arriv­ing in Phnom Penh, hur­ried­ly con­tact­ed the shoot­ing range. As there was a min­i­mum spend of USD500, I was only able to join if there was anoth­er group. For­tu­nate­ly they were able to let me tag along with anoth­er group of shoot­ers. Pho, our guide, spoke excel­lent Eng­lish and his team at the shoot­ing range were unbe­liev­ably pro­fes­sion­al and took care of every­thing and ensured we had all the fun. To top it off, there was a box of ice-cold Angkor beer to accom­pa­ny us for the whole trip” 
How to book the shoot­ing expe­ri­ence, The book­ing is work­ing through­out online sys­tem then please make an online book­ing direct­ly with us. Fur­ther­more, walk­ing in is not accept­ed or wel­comed,  because we are locat­ed at out­side of the city, in jun­gle and very moun­tain­ous areas, it’s approx­i­mate­ly take 90–120 mins, one way each by cars. Pick up and Drop, We are able to greet you at every­where like, hotels, guest­hous­es, bus sta­tions, air­ports and boat ports. And  after greet­ing from bus sta­tions, air­ports and boat ports, you are also able to go to the shoot­ing club straight at the same day or next com­ing day Here is our con­tact address­es @ CambodiaShootingRanges@Gmail.Com and Call +85566777908 Tar­gets Shoot­ing Ranges in Cam­bo­dia, The gun shoot­ing’s tar­gets for you to play for all day long and it made your shoot­ing expe­ri­ence is more joy­ful and became the unfor­get­table hol­i­day are bel­low. select those of the tar­get to blow things up or shoot them up with rif­fle like AK47 M16 and oth­er shoot­ing rif­fles and those tar­gets can shoot with M79, RPG but some tar­gets is need to add gas tanks or fueled bar­rels in.  Water­mel­ons, ceram­ic plates, coconuts and gas cans are good to shoot your rif­fles like M16, AK47, PKM machine guns, pis­tols, RPD, T97 and CKC’s bul­lets Gas Tanks is good to go with your rif­fles like M16, AK47, PKM machine guns,  RPD, T97 and CKC’s bul­lets and RPG (bazooka or well known as Rock­et Launch­er) and if the rpg hit the tar­get of the gas tanks then the flame and explo­sion is great­ly huge than your expec­ta­tions Car, House and Tuk Tuk is a very need to add fueled bar­rels and or gas tanks in there More details of an RPG “Rock­et launch­er” video is bel­low then please fee free take a look at  Woo hit tar­get Rock­et house loaded with fueled bar­rels, the videos of Ken “Japan­ese guy” shot Bazooka into a thatch house full of petrol barrels