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kratie Koh Trong River Beach Sunset Views

The evening of gold­en sun­set of Koh Trong island is one of the high­lights things to see if every­one of you are stay­ing at ele­gant of my abo­rig­ines vil­lage, to walk­ing on the lit­tle island then we need to trav­el from Cam­bo­di­a’s cap­i­tal of Phnom Penh and then make a stop at frontside of a hotel along­side of Mekong riv­er of Kratie or Kraches then step down from river­bank of Mekong riv­er to catch a small fer­ry which it’s always wait­ing for local pas­sen­gers to get it to across the riv­er of Mekong to up down between Koh Trong island and Kratie town.

Here is the best way to trav­el from Phnom Penh city to Kratie’s Koh Trong is land trans­porta­tions and pri­vate cars or pub­lic bus­es and then the dura­tion of trav­el­ing from Phnom Penh to the love­ly coun­try­side of Koh Trong is approx­i­mate­ly 6 hours that’s includ­ed the wait­ing fer­ry and lunch break

Koh Trong vil­lage is locat­ed at iso­lat­ed area between Kratie town and Soab vil­lage by cross­ing riv­er, it’s meant To go to Koh Trong it needs to catch a small fer­ry to go across a long riv­er of Mekong, it’s stay­ing at mid­dle side of Mekong Riv­er of Cambodia 

Koh Trong is one of an Islands of Kratie coun­ty, Me and my mates have been trav­eled around when I was high school, my abo­rig­ine home is just a short swim across riv­er, I some­time swum or took a boat to across riv­er to reach the island 

From arti­cles i read said, Koh Trong Island is One of an hid­den gem islands of my vil­lage and my coun­try of Cam­bo­dia, but for ideas, as i am still one the vil­lagers of the province, there are few more islands I could rec­og­nize it’s the nat­ur­al beau­ty island

My thoughts, maybe the con­cept of busi­ness investors are being put some inter­est­ed in the island then the

The best to be remem­bered for the island of Koh Trong is pome­lo fruits, it’s the num­ber one pome­los of Cam­bo­dia and sticky rice

Things to do and see while you are vis­it­ing the island …..

Actu­al­ly, the things to see on the island is see­ing local peo­ples who are liv­ing around there, the good pion to vis­it the local tourist site is to go by feet or tak­ing a push­ing bike to go see green plan­ta­tions, smelling the nat­ur­al sound and lis­ten­ing to local peo­ples com­mu­ni­cate in their own language.

Lit­er­al­ly, cycling is a must thing to ride from the head of island till to the end of the island or tail of island, from the start­ing pion then you will no be hear­ing noth­ing of bull­doze sound of big engine like truck or pick up vehi­cles, there are some small scoot­ers, motor­bike sounds. If you want to swim then walk down to a long riv­er and swim across the island to a near­by mainland. 

Any­thing else to go through to island we are more hap­py to assist you to get there, feel free to con­tact us by Www.CambodianDrivers.Com trav­el­ing on any bud­get list We are able to you all your needs
