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Kampot Kep Shooting Range Cambodia

Kam­pot Kep Shoot­ing Range Cam­bo­dia is now avail­able for all of you to try/test/start your shoot­ing expe­ri­ence for all day long at the gun range of Cam­bo­dia, please come to our gun shoot­ing club and we also pro­vide trans­porta­tion from your to the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Ranges Phnom Penh out­door back to your hotel in Kam­pot Kep at the same day, just sug­gest us your hotel address, tim­ing and dat­ing. then when the day/time arrived we are sit­ting and wait­ing for you at your hotel’s lob­by floor   Our loca­tion is on nation­al road num­ber 3 from Kam­pot Kep to phnom penh or Phnom Penh to Kam­pot Kep its just up and down the the nation­al road  num­ber 3 and about 2 hours from Kam­pot Kep. if you are on your road to Phnom Penh from Kam­pot Kep then it’s good to have a great gun shoot­ing  trip at the our out­door shoot­ing range club for one day long or half day long. we have from hand rif­fle gun shoot­ing like AK47 M16 T97 S‑katu Pis­tols M79 PKM-Machine-guns 50-Cal­iber Hand Grenade RPD RPG (Bazooka Rock­et-Launch­er), that’s for your day and you can also play it for a whole day long and half day long. To know how much does the Cam­bo­dia shoot­ing ranges cost you and it’s com­pli­men­ta­ry for your vis­it­ing then please feel free go to the PRICE LIST, Its telling you the net price of any gun shoot­ing then you are also able to man­age your shoot­ing bud­gets Please be not­ed, the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Ranges Phnom Penh is the only one, licensed shoot­ing club and num­ber one out­door shoot­ing ranges in Cambodia   Please make a pre arrange­ment before com­ing to the range and walk­ing in is not wel­comed or accepted