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Interpretation Service Hong Kong Group Across Cambodia

Inter­pre­ta­tion Ser­vice Hong Kong Group Across Cam­bo­dia The job was also a nice and plea­sured, it was the job with a Hong Kong film crews there were writ­ers, film stars, a group leader, cam­era­men, direc­tor and more… I got their duties I made the book­ing for them almost every­thing like, hotel rooms, trans­porta­tion from the start till end of the tour, paid for the entrance fees across Cam­bo­dia and more.…. The work were across 4 provinces with­in 3 cities there were Phnom Penh city, Bat­tam­bong town, and Siem Reap down and 4 provinces were Kan­dal province, Kom Pong Speur province, Bat­tam­bong province and Siem Reap province. The work i went through to Cam­bo­di­a’s coun­try­side com­mu­ni­ties for a great nego­ti­a­tion between the local and then trans­lat­ed to Eng­lish “for my customer”  this was a 6 day work­ing with the Hong Kong film­ing com­pa­ny, at the first day of  their arrival i went up to the Phnom Penh inter­na­tion­al Air­port with a 25 seat­ed bus to greet­ed and escort­ed them straight to a booked hotel in Phnom Penh city but before arriv­ing the hotel we took them to their fovor­it­ed food in good restau­rant in the town, to have a great din­ner after a long day fly­ing. And sec­ond day, met the crews at the hotel then bring them to the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Range Out­door Phnom Penh Www.CambodiaFireRange.Com to blow some RPG “Rock­et launch­er or well known as B40, Bazooka” and oth­er rif­fle machine guns. All of the crew had a plea­sured trip at the gun range and i was also a had fan­tas­tic inter­pre­ta­tion from Cambodian<->English Third day, I and the Hong Kong crew head to Bat­tam­bong to see bam­boo train, bat caves, croc­o­dile farm. and then next morn­ing was the fourth day all of us was trav­eled to Siem Reap we did noth­ing for the time of arriv­ing the Siem Reap down, but at the ear­ly morn­ing of day 5 we start­ed the whole work and then night shift came to replace the day shift, the 6 day we had a good breakaf­st tak­ing pho­to togeth­er after­ward went straight to Siem Reap Air­port to say good­bye to each oth­er. All the best crews.