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Cambodia Translation Interpretation Service

The work as a pro­fes­sion­al Cam­bo­dia Trans­la­tion Inter­pre­ta­tion Service
Dear valu­able ladies and gen­tle­ment, Check­ing out for Cam­bo­dia, the coun­try is for your whole mis­sion to do and look­ing for your pri­vate Cam­bo­dia trans­la­tion inter­pre­ta­tion and your guide/driver “ser­vice” to go around, then look up for me. My name is Pho, i’m a local guide in Phnom Penh and very expe­ri­enced Cam­bo­di­an to Eng­lish translation/Interpretation, Phnom Penh is sec­ond home of  mine since i moved from beloved home­land at Kratie province of Cambodia. 
the work as the per­son­al inter­preter had start­ed since i fin­ished my bach­e­lor degree in Eng­lish in 2014 till now, and i cur­rent­ly am also a self-employed guide and also I’m work­ing as indi­vid­ual eng­lish speak­ing guide, inter­preter, law­ful con­sul­ta­tion in Cam­bo­dia. Hon­est­ly, work­ing as pri­vate spo­ken tour i usu­al­ly send my group to work for me but if you are look­ing for busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties in the king­dom then i am very hap­py to work for you and share all my knowl­edge to you, with­in the chance to invest in Cambodia 

my hob­bies is to trav­el into Cam­bo­di­a’s rur­al areas and to learn about the peo­ple in the remote sites, Im very expe­ri­enced and good at oral trans­la­tion from mouth to mouth and from Cam­bo­di­an to Eng­lish, bring­ing peo­ple to rur­al com­mu­ni­ties across the coun­try. To get more details about me like hob­bies, work­ing and traveling. 

There­fore, If you are look­ing for pri­vate Cam­bo­di­an-Eng­lish inter­preter, a per­son­al dri­ver “I have my car” Cam­bo­dia geo­g­ra­ph­er or Cam­bo­dia best guide then please go straight to me. Then all of your works/missions is com­plete­ly fruit full 

Bel­low is the arti­cles of my works that is from the start­ing till cur­rent­ly day 

Pho, Pri­vate oral inter­preter guide Cambodia

Oral Inter­pre­ta­tion Dog Slaugh­ter­hous­es Cambodia The work as an oral inter­pre­ta­tion to res­cue dog’s lives from any dog slaugh­ter­hous­es at Cam­bo­di­a’s coun­try­side then i do need to plans to have com­mu­ni­ca­tion ahead with the own­er of slaugh­ter­hous­es and also it required to get up ear­ly to see the whole process, from the start­ing till the end of dog lives. 

This work­ing is very need to trav­el from place to place at coun­try­side in order to see how dif­fer­ence of the slaugh­ter­er to killing the dogs for meats. And more­over; peo­ples at the coun­try­side have a dif­fer­ence speak­ing and some­time it also need times to find out what we want­ed to do and what they want to do for the exe­cut­ing the dogs. 

Remove dogs from van to vet

From the start to end, it meant about my cus­tomers want­ed. and my client intend­ed to see when big trucks and small motor drove in the slaugh­ter­house and how to the dog killers trans­fer a cage to oth­er cage “some cages is bel­long to slaugh­ter­house and some is owned by the truck” 
How­ev­er, in order to see the process of dog slaugh­ter­ing i do need to look for slaugh­ter­hous­es then make arrange­ment ahead after that make a good tim­ing “when does the dog and the truck arrive to the house of slaugh­ter­ing ?”. After the nego­ti­a­tion get done then the work of the pri­vate inter­preter to res­cue dog lives is go through. 
Inter­pre­ta­tion Ser­vice Hong Kong Group Across Cambodia The job was also a nice and plea­sured, it was the job with a Hong Kong film crews there were writ­ers, film stars, a group leader, cam­era­men, direc­tor and more… I got their duties 
I made the book­ing for them almost every­thing like, hotel rooms, trans­porta­tion from the start till end of the tour, paid for the entrance fees across Cam­bo­dia and more.…. The work were across 4 provinces with­in 3 cities there were Phnom Penh city, Bat­tam­bong town, and Siem Reap down and 4 provinces were Kan­dal province, Kom Pong Speur province, Bat­tam­bong province and Siem Reap province. The work i went through to Cam­bo­di­a’s coun­try­side com­mu­ni­ties for a great nego­ti­a­tion between the local and then trans­lat­ed to Eng­lish “for my customer” 

this was a 6 day work­ing with the Hong Kong film­ing com­pa­ny, at the first day of  their arrival i went up to the Phnom Penh inter­na­tion­al Air­port with a 25 seat­ed bus to greet­ed and escort­ed them straight to a booked hotel in Phnom Penh city but before arriv­ing the hotel we took them to their fovor­it­ed food in good restau­rant in the town, to have a great din­ner after a long day flying. 

And sec­ond day, met the crews at the hotel then bring them to the Cam­bo­dia Shoot­ing Range Out­door Phnom Penh Www.CambodiaFireRange.Com to blow some RPG “Rock­et launch­er or well known as B40, Bazooka” and oth­er rif­fle machine guns. All of the crew had a plea­sured trip at the gun range and i was also a had fan­tas­tic inter­pre­ta­tion from Cambodian<->English
Third day, I and the Hong Kong crew head to Bat­tam­bong to see bam­boo train, bat caves, croc­o­dile farm. and then next morn­ing was the fourth day all of us was trav­eled to Siem Reap we did noth­ing for the time of arriv­ing the Siem Reap down, but at the ear­ly morn­ing of day 5 we start­ed the whole work and then night shift came to replace the day shift, the 6 day we had a good break­fast tak­ing pho­to togeth­er after­ward went straight to Siem Reap Air­port to say good­bye to each oth­er. All the best crews. 

Trans­la­tion NAT Geo Free­lancer Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Cambodia The work as a free­lancer trans­la­tor for the Nation­al Geo­graph­ic was also a dif­fer­ence per­spec­tive as he was inter­est­ed in shoot­ing pho­to in slum earas in Phnom Penh. Actu­al­ly, at the begin­ning i haven’t  known that he was a NAT Geo pho­tog­ra­ph­er. dur­ing of he was hav­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion with a Malaysian Mus­lim guy at a Mus­lim slum com­mu­ni­ty area then I not­ed their con­ver­sa­tion, acci­den­tal­ly. then i ques­tioned him “are you work­ing for the NAT Geo as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er ?, he was remained qui­et­ly”. “ok let for­get it my ques­tion” i said. 

The job as Free­lancer Cam­bo­di­an Eng­lish trans­la­tion inter­pre­ta­tion was tak­en for 2 long and we trav­eled in and around Phnom Penh city to find slum areas for his photoing 

Day one we went by a tuk tuk to go to Cham or well known as Mus­lim minor­i­ty that was locat­ed in front of the Roy­al palace of Phnom Penh and 4 face rivers. Dur­ing of shoot­ing pho­to i also was work­ing as the best role of oral inter­preter and i did inter­pret all of my cus­tomer ques­tion then trans­lat­ed to mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty after­ward he shot pho­tos where he would like to shoot out

Then after the works com­plet­ed we decid­ed to return to street mar­kets around phnom penh city, there were in the mar­ket where every­one just go in then shop some fresh veg­eta­bles and raw beefs or porks. All the meats and veg­etable were hang­ing with hooks with big umbrel­las cov­ered from the light and lit­tle rain drops, at the street mar­kets i had­n’t speak­ing with those sell­ers in the mar­ket. While we are walk­ing in the mar­ket he was also shoot­ing the pho­to he wished to pho­to but some spots he asked me to have per­mis­sions for the pho­to­ing. Around 5 pm we went back for the hotel where i greeted.

Day 2, we were going to have a sim­i­lar works but we trav­eled to a mar­ket and also slum area was near­by gar­ment fac­to­ries. And this works was lit­tle dif­fer­ence with­in a new place and peo­ple, there were a lot fac­to­ry work­ers were walk­ing by, bought and ate food at same site. Even­tu­al­ly, some of them would like to had pho­to tak­en and some weren’t allowed but i made a try to have them smiled to cam­era, finally.

Oral trans­la­tion Cam­bo­di­an Eng­lish Free­lancer News­pa­per Interviews
The work­ing with a British free­lancer  jour­nal­ist was the tree in one work, drone fli­er, dri­ver and trans­la­tor it was also the scared and threat­ened work­ing ever in my enter life occu­pa­tion as a fix­ered free­lancer guide/face to face inter­preters.
The work was tak­en on Novem­ber 2017, i for­got the dat­ing when i start­ed it. but the nego­ti­a­tion came to a good agree­ment, i met him up at Phnom Penh Inter­na­tion­al Air­port of Cam­bo­dia then at around 4pm we left the air­port of Phnom Penh to Bat­tam­bang province and after that appro 9pm we arrived a hotel room in Bat­tam­bang town. then i went up for din­ner and my client was also dis­ap­peared for his tired­ness in his room. then morn­ing came to replace the dark­ness we began our jobs. 
before going through to the whole sto­ries of my works i want­ed to repeat my duties for the works. for the 7 days work­ing, i worked for him as a pri­vate dri­ver, per­son­al translator/negotiator and the drone fli­er, so 3 in 1 of my respon­si­bil­i­ties “one guy can man­age 3 works at the time/day/week/month”. strong guy in all the work­ing conditions 

After break­fast then around 8am we were trav­el­ing in my car from Bat­tam­bang town for Bat­tam­bang’s Sam­lot vil­lage where the Angeli­na jolie’s prop­er­ty is, then around 10am we arrived the des­ti­na­tion, i drove a while then we stop to pho­to and film the area. and then i took my drone out to flight above the trees “my drone was very loud and the in the jun­gle was very qui­et­ly venue” When i was fly­ing the drone then appro 5 min­utes lat­ter a young guy with­in a red motor was dri­ving to us and looked at us after that told us to stop dron­ing over the pri­vate prop­er­ties, “it was pri­vate prop­er­ties, I won­dered, oh no…! its a moun­tain­ous jun­gle site, it should be pub­lic prop­er­ty and i did not know it was belong to Angeli­na jolie” then he gone and drove back after 2 min­utes lat­ter, tell us “don’t go away and come to our office” then i ignored his words by try­ing to con­tin­ue to flight the drone over, It was 2 min­utes lat­ter approx­i­mate­ly a pick up truck with a dri­ver and 2 army suite men on the truck and they were car­ry one each of AK47 on their shoul­ders, my feel­ing went down imme­di­ate­ly it was remind­ed about the Khmer Rough or Red Khmer because of the suite was like the Khmer Rough and more­over the site was the Khmer Rough based strong hole and almost every­one who is liv­ing there are the younger gen­er­a­tion of them. It was the first fear­ness time of my whole life expe­ri­ence if we are men­tioned about the Khmer Rough char­ac­ter­is­tic and most­ly my mum repeat­ed me about her life dur­ing of Khmer Rough dom­i­nat­ing the whole coun­try and more­over, Toul Sleng muse­um is an oth­er evi­dence of the bar­bar­ian khmer rough was. 

The truck was stop and the all of the them walked out from the truck to approach after that we had a con­ver­sa­tion then sud­den­ly, my feel­ing thought they are a group ranger who are guard­ing the site after they ques­tioned us a lot “why was you here ?” then invit­ed us to their near­by office, they delet­ed all the records that i filmed with the drone and told us “if you want­ed to have a drone fly­ing its need­ed to have per­mis­sion from local author­i­ties”. was a bad Kar­ma of the whole morn­ing work­ing at the Angeli­na Jolie’s property. 

Sec­ond morn­ing, we arrived a near­by vil­lage of Angeli­na Jolie’s prop­er­ty and the vil­lage was also vis­it­ed by Angeli­na Jolie. it was about 20–30 fam­i­lies was the for­m­ers of the Khmer Rough and men are dis­able peo­ple which some are blind by the met­al of AK47 or shrap­nel of mines and oth­er was their leg and hands is cut by pow­er of mines or bul­lets shot on hand or legs. I was mis­ery about the blind­ness guys that he had been blind­ed for 20–30 yrs so far and its going to be for they whole live long last.

We spent the whole after­noon and evening for the inter­view with them about the life was in Khmer Rough com­rades and then inte­gra­tion with the cur­rent­ly, Cam­bo­di­an gov­ern­ment third morn­ing we went to the Anlong Veng was the Khmer Rough strongest based from Bat­tam­bang town to see Pol Pot’s grave “Pot Pot was the top leader pot pol peri­od or well known as Demo­c­ra­t­ic Kampuchea/Cambodia” and Ta Mok Muse­um. more details then please con­tact me Love the works that i have been through