
Cambodia Taxi Car Rental Siem Reap Taxi Phnom Penh Driver

Car Bus Rentals, Sightseeing Adventure Tour,




Greet­ing Everyone!

This is Hout, the licensed tour guide (his­tor­i­cal guid­ed tour in Cam­bo­dia) and also work­ing as free­lancer taxi dri­ver, I can be work­ing for you as per­son­al Eng­lish spo­ken taxi dri­ver and also his­tor­i­cal guid­ed tour across king­dom of Cambodia

Have a look down below to meet some of the best Eng­lish speak­ing tour guides in South­east Asia!

Pho is a Cam­bo­di­an native and has worked as a tour guides Cam­bo­dia for over a decade!
In 2014 Pho grad­u­at­ed from uni­ver­si­ty with a degree in Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture which

has served him extreme­ly well in his career as a tour guide.

Full of local knowl­edge and wis­dom…. ..Pho has worked through­out the king­dom of Cam­bo­dia, In Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Bat­tam­bang, Sihanoukville, Rat­tanakiri and Mon­dulkiri just to name a few. (If you’re real­ly smart you’ll know more than 2 of those places)

As you can prob­a­bly tell already…
Pho has had an exten­sive career

He has worked as an Eng­lish speak­ing tour guide, a pri­vate dri­ver, a personal

trans­la­tor and…. A farmer!!

Now Our Spe­cial­ist in Siem Reap…. ME

Ill intro­duce myself again,
(Just incase you forgot)

Pho and Hout are togeth­er in Siem Reap restaurant

Look back to last years!

So, the idea of CAMBODIA LOCAL GUIDE INSIDER ini­tial­ly came into mind when I and we have saw a huge num­ber of over­sea trav­el­ers com­ing to Cam­bo­dia from year to year was inter­est­ed­ly increased then the need­ed num­ber of the tourism indus­tri­al was ask­ing to com­plete the vacan­cy jobs

Def­i­nite­ly, work­ing with peo­ple from around world is one of the hap­py jobs, and also good oppor­tu­ni­ty to every­one com­ing from around our plan­et, hav­ing some ideas to exchange each others


Think­ing of trav­el­ing to Cam­bo­dia, think about Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental or  tour guides Cam­bo­dia