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Cambodia Khmer New Year

Cam­bo­dia Khmer New Year

14–15-16 April is the 3 days hol­i­day, biggest tra­di­tion­al pub­lic hol­i­day and also families/mates gath­er­ing in hose whole at abo­rig­i­nal home

Every main cities like Phnom Penh will be remain qui­et for at least 3 days

day 1 of hol­i­day, road traf­fics con­di­tion start­ing from Phnom Penh to oth­er provinces will be get­ting jams

Trans­porta­tion ser­vice fees will go high­er than normal

Khmer New year is world­wide word use by tru­ly Cam­bo­di­ans around world, Cam­bo­dia New Year is more used by west­ern­er or Eng­lish speakers

So, Khmer New Year Or well known ad Cam­bo­dia New Year is same

Who is going to cel­e­brate the New Year! 

Every Cam­bo­di­ans goes to cel­e­brate at house whole and Bud­dhist Tem­ples. Also the new year is one of the tra­di­tion­al hol­i­day and reli­gion days, Bud­dhist Reli­gion days

where/when doe Khmer peo­ples go to cel­e­brate the NEW YEAR ?

Start­ing From 14–15-16 of April, Actu­al day of NEW YEAR Celebrations

Almost every sin­gle of Cam­bo­di­ans will leave their work­ing sites then trav­el­ing straight to abo­rig­i­nal vil­lage to pay respect to par­ents and grand par­ents after meet­ing old friends in their vil­lage. Some of them are leav­ing coun­try to go to abroad for the 3 days vacation

New Year cel­e­bra­tion will tak­ing at every sin­gle of Bud­dhist tem­ples and play tra­di­tion­al games, the tra­di­tion­al games can be play­ing after every Bud­dhism offered food to Bud­dhist monks 


But before attend­ing the Bud­dhist tem­ples, peo­ple is always offer mon­ey and foods to old­er par­ents and then bring foods flow­ers, can­dles and things to pray for Bud­dha through the Bud­dhist Monks 


Relat­ed Pub­lish Trans­porta­tion Services

Price of social pub­lic trans­porta­tion ser­vice go high­er than nor­mal day, between half price high­er and some­time  full price gone higher

The Cam­bo­dia new year is very affect­ed to the coun­try’s pub­lish trans­porta­tions, it’s the day for every sin­gle Cam­bo­di­an need a break to trav­el back to home­land to gath­er­ing their fam­i­lies and par­ty start­ing up from almost sun­rise till sun went down it orig­i­nal site 


A huge amount of taxi,  bus and tuk tuk dri­vers will take off work, and only a few dri­vers are still con­tin­u­ing the work in city 


Look­ing for new adven­ture in Cambodia ?

con­tact  me Name: Bong Pho

The con­tent is being writ­ten by Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental mas­ter­mind, Name: Bong Pho, Look­ing for the best vaca­tion to Cam­bo­dia then don’t go away from our pro­fes­sion­al team

The qual­i­fied team is good at guid­ing tourist to explore around Cambodia 

Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental