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Cambodia 7th January Holiday

Cam­bo­dia 7th Jan­u­ary Holiday

7th of Jan­u­ary is one the Cam­bo­dia pub­lic hol­i­day  and it is the mark of the whole Cam­bo­dia cur­rent­ly gov­ern­ment took vic­to­ry day over the bloody regime of Khmer Rouge Pol Pot, and also to stop the whole coun­try peo­ple from machine killing, star­va­tions, sad­ness, sor­row­ful and more.…..


From 1975 April 17th till 1979 Jan­u­ary 7th, the coun­try of Cam­bo­dia and whole of Cam­bo­di­an cit­i­zens were liv­ing with over­work­ing, not enough food, not enough med­ical sup­ple­ment, para­noia, life can be got killed, 


For Exam­ple, every civ­il of Cam­bo­di­ans had to work from 5 am till 5–6 pm or it can be longer the 6pm, and also 


After the coun­try was lib­er­at­ed on Jan­u­ary 7, 1979, under the lead­er­ship of the Cam­bo­di­an People’s Par­ty, the peo­ple regained their full rights and free­doms, and the whole nation has been peace­ful and devel­oped in all fields until today.


Under the wise lead­er­ship of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, for­mer Prime Min­is­ter and Pres­i­dent of the Cam­bo­di­an People’s Par­ty, and from now on is under the lead­er­ship of Samdech Thipdei Hun Manet Prime Min­is­ter of the King­dom of Cam­bo­dia and Vice Pres­i­dent of the Cam­bo­di­an People’s Par­ty, Jan­u­ary 7, 2024, is the 45th anniver­sary (Jan­u­ary 7, 1979 – Jan­u­ary 7, 2024) that Cam­bo­dia was res­cued and lib­er­at­ed from the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Kam­puchea regime or the so-called geno­ci­dal regime of Pol Pot that put Cam­bo­dia into a dark killing field for 3 years, 8 months and 20 days.” 

this is the quote from

So go back to my orig­i­nal concept

the 7th Jan­u­ary Holiday

it is not  the joy­ful pub­lic hol­i­day, it’s to remind of world­wide pow­er­ful coun­try to their mon­ey and pow­er­ful to fight against each on oth­er countries 

why ? because 

Khmer Rouge Pol Pot regime had hap­pened after the world II fin­ished, then the shad­ow of the hot war then con­tin­ued to cold war, in her­itage of shit war was Cam­bo­dia and oth­er some coun­try in south­east asia


Need local guide/driver for Cam­bo­dia Adven­tures, Con­tact: Bong Pho

The con­tent is being writ­ten by Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental mas­ter­mind, Name: Bong Pho, Look­ing for the best vaca­tion to Cam­bo­dia then don’t go away from our pro­fes­sion­al team

The qual­i­fied team is good at guid­ing tourist to explore around Cambodia 

Cam­bo­dia Taxi Car Rental