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Sihanoukville things to do Cambodia

Sihanoukville is one of the com­mer­cial towns, sea­sides and tourist des­ti­na­tions in Cam­bo­dia, all the ship­ping con­tain­ers from all over around the world are com­ing and leav­ing it’s port almost every hours, beside the Cam­bo­di­a’s busi­ness cen­ters. Sihanoukville is also the relax­able sea­side, to lis­ten­ing to the sounds of natures, drink­ing all kind of clod beer under umbrel­las, swim­ming with cold sea waves.  the loca­tion is on coun­try’s south-west on the Gulf of Thai­land. It’s a 4–5 hours dri­ves by car, vans and 5–6 hours by big bus.

road going straight to the beach­es of Sihanoukville

Sihanoukville is about the pop­u­lar sea­sides with it’s cleared beach­es, to any­one who want to have to stay away from big sounds in mod­ern cities of your coun­try or Cam­bo­dia, and then you would like to see and lis­ten­ing to the real sound of nat­ur­al  just jump to an island around the town like Koh Rong island, for example.

Sihanoukville town is get­ting inter­est­ed by the beach­es along sea­sides, and have some foods to order, beer also.

Here bel­low is the list of things to do and to see bel­low, let explore with Cam­bo­di­an Dri­vers Teams;

  1. two gold­en lions

the round­about of two gold­en lions in Sihanoukville

the two gold­en lions is the sym­bol of the Sihanoukville it’s on main road link to sea­wa­ter it’s a greet­ing stat­ue of the town and it’s also the site where is local peo­ple goes there for pho­to shoot­ing at night time

2. wat leu temple

wat leu tem­ple sihanoukville

Wat Leu is one of Bud­dhist Pago­da in the town of Sihanoukville and it’s sit­u­at­ed on a hill about 1.5 km north­west of Sihanoukville.  There are sev­er­al Bud­dhist tem­ples in the city, Wat Leu is one of the five main tem­ples in Sihanoukville.  On a hill, in the mid­dle of a for­est, the tem­ple is sur­round­ed by a large stone wall, over­look­ing the city and the neigh­bor­ing islands. There is a three-head white ele­phant beau­ti­ful­ly carved out of the stone wall with three stat­ues of Bud­dha on each of the three heads of the ele­phant. In front of the stairs lead­ing to the tem­ple door is a large stat­ue of Lord Bud­dha made of black stones. Wat Leu is often called the Upper Wat, com­pared to Wat Kraom — the Low­er Wat.

3. Kbal Chhay Water­falls Sihanoukville

Kbal Chay is a water­fall site and very nat­ur­al site, the water drop from top it’s about 14 meters high it makes you felt very relax­ing and also It’s a pic­turesque spot and a pop­u­lar place with locals tak­ing a day out. You can enjoy a pic­nic next to local fam­i­lies before cool­ing off with a splash in the cool waters.

The water­fall is much more dra­mat­ic when vis­it­ed in the rainy sea­son as the waters slow down a lot dur­ing the dry sea­son. the loca­tion of the water­fall is about 15–25 min­utes dri­ve by your pri­vate tuk tuk or taxi car, from the town of Sihanoukville

4. Otres Beach Sihanoukville

From the cen­ter of town, hire a tuk tuk to dri­ve you down to Otres Beach. Just on the oth­er side of Serendip­i­ty Beach, you’ll find that Otres Beach is much clean­er, qui­eter, and has a touch more ‘upscale’ options for accom­mo­da­tion. The beach is per­fect for mak­ing sand cas­tles, the water is cool and refresh­ing, and the locals are super friendly.

Along to the Otres beach­es are lot of West­ern foods and local foods can  be see­ing them if you are walk­ing on seashores them the tables, umbrel­las and menus is putting inside of each restau­rants. It’s wel­comed to every­one who want to have cold beer or relax there.

5. Vis­it­ing the local mar­ket phsar leu

the Cam­bo­di­a’s mar­kets is every­where around the coun­try and Sihanoukville’s local mar­ket is called Phsa Leu,  it’s the biggest local mar­ket in the town, has been offered a fas­ci­nat­ing shop­ping for your time there, to dis­cov­er local food and prod­ucts mix­ing of col­ors, odors and sounds while brows­ing through the small alleys, meet some of the friend­liest Khmer peo­ple and be amazed by the afford­able prices. It is where you tru­ly expe­ri­ence the walk­ing tour by see­ing inter­est­ing dai­ly trad­ing, fresh veg­eta­bles, herbs meats, fish­es and take your oppor­tu­ni­ty to try local break­fast or home­made deep fries, snacks, cakes as well as fresh home­grown fruits includ­ing papayas, bananas, water­mel­on and oth­er exot­ic fruits. The main entrance to the mar­ket is found in the cen­tre of the facade fac­ing onto Nation­al Road Six and is the best place to start. Come ear­ly and the place will be buzzing with locals going about the every­day busi­ness of shop­ping for their fam­i­ly or their restaurant. 

6. Get­ting pri­vate boat to near­by islands

Don’t want to stay on the main­land for so long then get in your pri­vate or shared boat to go to near­by islands around Sihanoukville. The tour may also include island hop­ping and snorkelling, often with a love­ly meal pro­vid­ed on a beach. if you have a good to catch those fists then it can be cooked on a near­by beach 

Some providers have 54-metre fish­ing boats with an expe­ri­enced crew on board. Oth­ers offer dive trips as well as open-water dive cours­es, togeth­er with option­al water sports like wind­surf­ing and ocean kayaking.

7. Sailling

Sail­si­hanoukville has mini cata­ma­rans for hire. These small white boats with bright green sails line the beach on Otres and are hard to miss. You don’t have to be a sail­ing expert or be expe­ri­enced in sail­ing at all to have a cata­ma­ran adven­ture in Sihanoukville. You can go out on a relax­ing ride where you’ll take in gor­geous views of the shore or sign up for sail­ing lessons where you’ll learn how to nav­i­gate the boat. If you are com­fort­able on the “Cat”, how­ev­er, you can take it out on your own for a day or even two.

No mat­ter your pref­er­ence, you’ll be guid­ed by a sea­soned sail­ing pro­fes­sion­al, Mick­ey, who explains the sail­ing how-to in extreme­ly sim­ple terms with utmost safe­ty in mind! Rest assured, you’re in good hands.

8 Inde­pen­dence Beach

Inde­pen­dence Beach is right in front of your face, yet some­how, tourists nev­er notice the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore. This charm­ing lit­tle inlet is sit­u­at­ed to the right of the main pier with clear water and rocky shores that is com­plete­ly unique to the area.

Fol­low the dirt path under the mas­sive shady trees to explore this qui­et lit­tle hide­away. While not very big, this quaint cove is home to some adorable restau­rants, small fish­ing piers, and boul­ders that are just beg­ging to be climbed on.

Take your lunch to go from a near­by restau­rant or grab a beer from the local shop and have a sea­side picnic.

9. Koh Rong  and Koh Rong Samloem

seashore of Koh Rong Saloem island

Koh rong and Koh Rong Sale­om is a 2 hours to go there by slow boat and 45 min­utes by speedy boat from the main­land of Sihanoukville town, and there are plen­ty of restau­rants, hotels, guest­hous­es and bungalows.

Hotel and bun­ga­low in Koh Rong island

Actu­al­ly, there are more things to do on the main­land of Sihanoukville town, and if you are look­ing for authen­tic local guide to escort you around the town then please feel free to con­tact us @ CambodianDrivers@Gmail.Com