Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers,
Are you looking for exploring Phnom Penh ? Then It’s going to be our a great and pleasure to provide our Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers to greet you and your friends at your hotel lobby receptionist floor, this is the best time to cut out the waiting time and you are able to do things else while waiting for your ride to your frontside of your home or hotel. Book one of Our Cambodian Drives Taxi Car Rental’s Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers
Very big thanks and very appreciate for your advance booking our Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers Service, the private ride is very happy to go to greet you, your friends and your families at your hotel lobby receptionist floor. Please make a booking ahead your days in Phnom Penh of Cambodia, it’s the main thing to make an arrangement before hand.
Tuk Tuk is still one of the popular land transportation in Phnom Penh city and also some other cities across Cambodia, as Phnom Penh is the Cambodia’s capital and biggest city, and Tuk Tuk is the most comfortable for riding inside and little outside of Phnom Penh

If you and your families/friends want to have tuk Tuk sightseeing tour to see very angle of Phnom Penh city then we are strongly recommend our Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers to be your guide and also your personal driver to guide to everywhere you would like to while your trips are in Phnom Penh capital. The Cambodian Drives Taxi Car Rental’s Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers is not working as your local Tuk Tuk driver to explore insider of Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers are able also to speak very well in English. Moreover, the English language is the best language to communicate with worldwide and also international tourists who are being visited Cambodia. Take your worries out of your Phnom Penh sightseeing tours.
Yes Definitely! Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers is the form of English well Spoken Tuk tuk drivers and we are able to help you to plan your phnom Penh itinerary as day by day tour, Beside speaking English as for communication language then we are also a long year and very experiences
Take a look at our happily customers who is sitting in our Tuk tuk, and keeping smiling to our cameraman to do photo shooting, the trip had started since early morning till late evening.
Don’t forget to go to see must things to see in Phnom Penh city with us, as we have so far designed some of the Phnom Penh tourist spots for you before you come to the capital.
Phnom Penh Tuk Tuk Drivers is being provided by Mr. Van, the guy who has spent some time in tourism industrial business as a self employed Tuk tuk driver for decades already. and the life of Tuk Tuk begin in 1998, it was the second times of Cambodia National General Election, to know about his story during of Cambodia’s dark times, post dark time and currently day (Khmer Rough or well known as Democratic of Cambodia). The Cambodia history after Pot Pol regime (Khmer Rough or Red Khmer regime) fall down in 1979 till today. Also English is one of importance language that i speak almost everyday.
My name is Van, Tuk Tuk driver to Phnom Penh, My tuk tuk is behind my backside
Hello Everyone and also my valuable customers, my name is Van, I am a very long year and very good informed of English Speaking Tuk tuk driver to Phnom Penh of Cambodia, Phnom Penh is the capital of my country where I had lived my entire life since I moved to the capital in 1993. The life as a Tuk tuk of Phnom Penh Driver had become since 1995 till early 2020 March, I decided to temporary dropped off for almost 2 and half years, it was because of the Covid 19 worldwide pandemic virus.

During the year of worldwide pandemic our coworkers had decided to temporarily switch the Tuk Tuk business a period of time, and they decided to go to homeland and to do farming, some worked as a building constructors
Right now, I do 100% completely believe that 2022 is best best year to startup our tourist business to regain again, as i have seen a huge number of western tourists started to visit Cambodia. It’s the best sign to predict our tourist future business!
Lastly, If you are making a trip to Cambodia’s cities like Phnom Penh City, please consider about me (Mr. Van) I am one of the leading and well englihs speaking to the city and around Cambodia.
Thanks for giving a great to serve you, your families and your mates
The Quote!
“Experience Cambodia like no one else! Roam from Siem Reap down to Phnom Penh through the local countryside and communities in a traditional Khmer tuk-tuk. Well, almost traditional. Stop along the way at floating villages, hidden temples, meet new local friends along the way and stay in traditional style Khmer houses. Learn about the everyday lives of people living in this incredible country and come away with a better understanding of Khmer countryside life. But the best part? It’s our Cambodian guides and drivers themselves who make this experience so unique. They’re fun, they’ll enjoy a beverage of three with you and even teach you some Cambodian dance moves!”